During the festive season, we at Focus FM wanted to use our resources to try to make a difference and help some of those who need it most. Throughout the last year or so, charities have been struggling to run events and presentations to raise the much needed funds that they rely on so heavily, so we wanted to take the opportunity to support two very worthy charities.

Whilst raising awareness of these causes, and offering our team, clients and friends the opportunity to help select a charity, we are pleased to announce that Focus FM have made a donation to both Hearing Dogs for Deaf people, our charity of the year for 2020, and Fare Share.
Hearing Dogs for Deaf People transform the lives of deaf people by training hearing dogs to work with owners, helping them identify important and life-saving sounds and reconnect with life. To find out more about what they do, please visit their website here.
Fare Share have been working incredibly hard throughout the pandemic to fight hunger and food waste by redistributing surplus food to those who need it most. To find out more about what they do, please visit their website here.